How to Find Potential Clients and Convert Them to Sales

I am often asked “Just what makes a good business”? No doubt it is the quality of what is offered and the ability to market it successfully. But what makes the business extraordinary, is the way in which the business owner (and staff) treat their customers.

So, how can you best focus on your customers? The main way is to stop thinking about your business and rather think about what your customer wants. You need to find out what they are looking for and what can you do for them.

Basically, you need to focus on their problems. To generate leads and make sales, look at the negative side (the problems). This approach will get you better results. Your business success will ultimately depend on your ability to solve problems.

Once you know what the problem is, you must ensure that your solutions add value, by explaining the benefits of using your product or service. Don’t highlight the features of what you have to offer. Potential clients don’t want to know how you’re going to solve the problem, they just want their problem solved.

Not every contact will buy from you, but they may recommend you to others, therefore it is important to stay ‘top of their mind awareness’ so that when they do want what you offer, you will be the first one they think of contacting. This means you have to regularly make contact with them e.g. via a newsletter, social media, email marketing (offering freebies) etc.

Once you focus on your customer, search engine optimization (SEO) can build your search engine rankings. You need to write unique, helpful, problem solving articles for your blog, then create shorter statements for SEO that can re-direct them to the blog article. The edited format is targeting search engines, while the larger article is targeting potential clients.

Think carefully when organizing your blog or website. What does it look like? Have you placed your ‘boxes’ (calling for action e.g. signing up for a newsletter), in the best place (top right hand corner)? What is the colour of your box (blue always works well visually)? Not only will you get a better response from customers, but the search engines will also rank you more highly.

If you have a problem with marketing or making sales, my team can assist you. Just make contact and you will receive a free hour’s consultation.

Written by Ven Grollmus

One thought on “How to Find Potential Clients and Convert Them to Sales

  1. My dad (who was in business) said that the “customer is always right – even when they are wrong!” This is the way I have run my businesses too. If I receive a customer complaint, I always agree with them and tell them how bad I feel and what can I do to rectify the matter. This approach always takes the ‘fire’ out of the complaint and leaves them with nothing more they can complain about. Thank goodness, over the years, I have only had three or four complaints.

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