It is important that your blog contains unique and informative information. It has to be on a topic of interest and must capture the attention of readers. You do not want to promote your business openly, but rather slot in links to your website or other articles of interest in your blog.
You want readers to be proactive and share what you have written. Once they are prepared to ‘click’ and make a ‘comment’, you know that your content is of interest. The more interaction you can encourage from readers, the better ranking you will receive with search engines and the more interest your business will create to potential and existing clients.
You will have to work out how to create interesting content and how to get this information out to the masses, Of course, social media plays a huge role in the latter.
Here Are Five Top Tips
- It is sometimes hard to figure out just what to write about that will interest readers. Therefore it may be helpful to find some topics by visiting https://www.quora.com/Content-Strategy. You will find articles of interest (but do not copy them) with such topics of interest as:- ‘How is Writing For The Web Different From Paper-based Media?’ ‘What is The Best way To Encourage Reader Interaction on Your Website?’
- You can also find out how many ‘shares’ some articles get from such places as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, by using http://buzzsumo.com/ . This allows you to pick popular articles with confidence.
- If organisation is a problem for you; if you can’t remember what posts you have written or what topics you want to cover, then you could find https://trello.com/ of great help – it is actually fun to keep yourself organized.
- Google lists trends, showing interest in specific content (based on searches). For example, I typed in ‘IT Solutions’ and found that the highest trend for searches on this keyword was 100 in India, but only 19 for Australia. The better keyword is ‘information technology’ (100) and ‘it services’ (100). Therefore, when writing blogs I should build content around these more popular keywords in my posts. Go to (https://www.google.com/trends/ and click on ‘Explore in Depth’).
- If you are using WordPress for your blog (if not, may I suggest you do as it has some fantastic plugins) you can use the plugin ‘Yoast’ to improve your search engine optimisation (SEO). Learn how to write better content with the built-in content analysis function, plus much, much more.
Written by Ven Grollmus
It is the blog that can have regular updates and give the viewer an opportunity to ask questions and make comments. Just make sure that it has the same URL as your website, then the searches and visits count as one.